Zodiac Sign Lesson Ideas


1. Pair work. Find your and your partner’s zodiac sign and make a conversation with your partner using the keyword of the zodiac sign and creativity.

2. Group work. Take astrology quizzes to find out your zodiac sign or what zodiac sign you act like. Share the result with group members.
1) What Zodiac Sign Am I? 
2) What Zodiac Sign do You Act Like?

3. Reading
1) Write down three words that express your character and the reasons. Share your idea with your partner.
2) Reading material ‘What Makes Each Zodiac Sign Happy?’

3) Vocabulary check
4) Read your zodiac sign and write down 5 words that express personal traits of it.
5) Write down differences and similarities between the trait of the zodiac sign and your actual character. Share what you write with your partner.

4. Video Clips
1) The myth behind the Chinese zodiac (TED-Ed by Megan Campisi and Pen-Pen Chen)

2) Your Dream House Based On Your Zodiac Sign
3) Zodiac Signs As Teachers


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