Fun Activity Ideas by Jungwoo T

1. Lie detector

I often use this after final-term exam. Students don’t want to study hard and they sometimes
let go of everything. So I just wanted them to have fun in class. A student (usually students
volunteered) stands in front of the class wearing ‘Lie Detector’. Other students should make
a question that might embarrass the student so that the ‘Lie Detector’ works. Students who
make embarrassing question would get a sweet.

2. Accommodation Apps

 I give students traveling situations like ‘You would have a 4 days of trip on Spain.
You have 4,000,000 Korean won of budget. You must make brief traveling plans using
google map and accommodation apps. You must give reasons why you pick that specific
tourist attractions and accommodation. You must also give why and how you would use
your budget”.


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